To create and submit a support ticket to IT team:

Click the Service Desk Icon in the top of Senso portal

The Senso service desk screen will appear with the option to Create a ticket or view opened and closed support tickets.

Create a Ticket:

Click Create Ticket

The Create ticket dialog box will pop up with options for submitting a support ticket.

Queue:  a drop down list of available queues created by IT team to submit support ticket in to.

Priority:  Select from a pre-determined list of priority levels for support ticket

Category:  Select from a list of options describing the section the support ticket should be submitted to

Specific Device/User?:  On enabling the checkbox, two dropdowns will appear – one for user, one for device.

Search for the device and user, must type in at least 3 characters to see options for adding information.

Please note: The device and user dropdown list is generated based on the devices and users within the list view table of the Senso portal. To select the appropriate device and user, they must be online when setting up this functionality and you must have a group or site highlighted. 

Title: name the support ticket

Description: enter details about the issue 

Files can be added such as screenshots, to assist with giving more information about support ticket.

To select and add multiple files use ctrl + click or shift + click for consecutive files

Request call back can be selected if needed

Click Create to save and submit ticket

Tickets will appear in the Service Desk screen, clicking on tickets in the list will bring up status and options for ticket.


Click the X in the blue circle to close ticket options

Click X in top right hand corner to close My support ticket screen